Wednesday 22 January 2014

Nadia buhari and mum in same pyjamas

Ghollywood actress Nadia buhari posted new photos of herself and her mum in same pyjamas.

No doubts where she got her beauty..... lol

Nigerian police force warns the public against false vehicle number plates.

Culled from vanguard

Enugu State Police Command has expressed dismay over the use of PILOT as vehicle number plates and illegal covering of same by some members of the public, warning that such unlawful practices would now be dealt with.
The command also frowned on the incessant use of sirens, vehicles and motorcycles without registration numbers as well as vehicles with tinted glasses without obtaining necessary permit.
According to the command, operatives have been mandated to arrest and prosecute offenders.

State Police Public Relations Officer, Mr. Ebere Amaraizu, made this known in a statement in Enugu yesterday.